2015-2016 Aspen Family Partnership Council (AFPC)

We had another great year full of fun family nights, family learning, choice time activities, birthday breakfasts/cards, library helpers and more!  Thanks to all our AFPC volunteers who make those events possible.
Mark your calendars for next year’s AFPC events!  Family Nights will be from 6:30-8:00p.m. on August 28, October 16, February 19 and April 29.  Aspen’s Family University will be Saturday, February 6 from 9:00a.m.-Noon.  We welcome back the following returning team chairs:  Choice Time-Heidi Gutowski, Parent Education-Nicole Carson, Principal’s Helpers-Monica Raquel, and Social Team & Special Projects-Michelle Tran.  We’d like to welcome new Social Team co-chair Stephanie Freed.  Look for volunteer sign up information this fall–it is a great way to get involved at Aspen!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nicole Carson at nc.longdon@gmail.com.