Aspen Updates September 30, 2016

October 4th marks our mid-term. Mid term reports will be sent home on Monday, October 17.

Wednesday, October 5 is picture day. Please be sure and send your child to school with their picture day envelope and money if you choose to have their picture taken. All students will have their picture taken (for school records and yearbook) even if they do not order a picture package.

Our third grade students will be going on a field trip to Brookfield Zoo on Thursday, October 6. Be sure and send them with a disposable lunch that day if they have not already put in an order from our cafeteria.

PTO Cookie Dough sale begins on October 3 and goes through October 17 (firm – no late orders will be accepted). Your students should have brought home an envelope with product and order information. Please consider supporting our PTO by purchasing cookie dough.